Thursday, October 16, 2008


Last week I was fighting off what I thought was a fairly routine sore throat. People around the office have been coughing a lot lately, and I thought my insanely-robust immune system was simply shrugging off whatever was floating around. Unfortunately, come Sunday morning, I felt bad enough to not leave the couch all day. I made it out Sunday night to catch Body of Lies, which was solid, but woke up Monday morning with my eyes full of garbage. I took the day off of work so I could sleep off whatever cold/allergy combination had come to visit, and while I felt better Tuesday morning, my eyes were still full of slime and had gone all pink. My throat didn't feel any better either, so I worked from the couch, sure that I'd be ready to roll Wednesday.
Of course, I was wrong. I was in the same condition Wednesday morning as Tuesday, so I headed for the doctor's office, where I found out I had a strain of Adenovirus. Allegedly "rampant in the community" right now, I blame the coughing carrier monkeys at work.
The doctor put me on Sudafed, Advil, and fancy eyedrops, and I'll cease to be contagious by about noon today.
Friggin' monkeys.

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